Enjoy our premium ticket for some special after-hours activities. We’ll have advanced classes, a masquerade ball, cool activities, and much more going on from early morning into the wee hours of the next one!
If that’s more than you can handle, you can still enjoy the “business hours” of the Marketplace. Pretty much the same hours and price you’ve become accustomed to, but now on Sunday as well. We’re expanding with new and better activities, but not cutting back anything you’ve grown to love over the last six years. Still, we think the full weekend pass will be well worth your time!
Dance Showcase and Performance
Come to experience a unique After Dark offering where the worlds of dance, music, community and spirituality converge in a community friendly dance performance. We start the evening with dance performances as an offering to the community. Enjoy the works of cultural dance, fusion dance and movement artists from all around New England. We honor the power and practice of divination through music and the visual art of dance. Then stay for a Drum Circle lead by professional percussionist, Dave Curry. Become part of the heartbeat of the Magickal Marketplace Community. Dance the night away in an open and freeing dance space. Step into a world of magick, music, percussion, and community.
Zabel and The ZaBellies are a theatrical belly dance inspired performing troupe who have had the pleasure of performing with each other for the past 10 years! They travel all around New England performing everything from traditional inspired Middle Eastern choreography to modern theatrical and spiritual original works of performance art. Zabel and the ZaBellies hope you will enjoy their original story telling through dance at their next performance!
Drum Circle lead by Dave Curry
Dave will lead an open drum circle that welcomes all ages and skill levels. He will start things off with some basic instruction on how to play some of the common drum types, as well as teaching you some of the most recognizable drum rhythms that are popular in drum circles. There will also be an opportunity for people to “freestyle” or spontaneously improvise rhythms on the spot. If you have your own drum or percussion gadgets, bring them along. There will be loaner drums available for borrowing on a first come, first serve basis. Dancers are also welcome in the circle, and poi spinners or hoopers are welcome outside the circle so as not to bonk anyone on the head.
Opening Blessing Ritual
On our 12th year, there will be an Opening Ritual on Friday evening at this year’s Magickal Marketplace. Join Val & Irena Stormcrow and the Serenity Circle Coven the Opening Blessing Ritual. We will be honoring the spirits and elementals of our event space. We will also raise positive energies of wellness, abundance, inspiration, and joy for our patrons, artisans, musicians, readers, presenters, and volunteers!
The Divination Masquerade Ball with Frenchy and the Punk!
Dress as your favorite form of Divination for the costume contest, enjoy incredible music, and spend the evening dancing and having fun. Small munchies will be provided, and there will be a cash bar.
Through their unmistakable blend of influences ranging from post-punk and dark folk to new wave and goth, Frenchy and the Punk have forged their own distinct path since 2005, touring across the US and Europe with their artful two-person powerhouse of sound. Drawing inspiration from post-punk legends like The Cure, the upbeat energy and percussive textures of Adam and the Ants, the bewitching mystique of Siouxsie and the Banshees, and the quirky charm of The B-52’s, they have crafted a sound that is both nostalgic and refreshingly modern and authentic delivered in an unorthodox way. They create a wall of sound for two people by way of live looping and acoustic percussion creating a high energy and danceable show with songs about seances, immortality, dancing in the woods at night, mind phantoms and chasing inner demons into the void. Their most recent album, Midnight Garden, is available worldwide. www.frenchyandthepunk.com
There will once again be prizes for the best costumes. This year’s theme is Divination. This can be defined as any form of divination, such as tarot, bones, pendulum, oracle cards, runes, etc. Costumes should be designed with these in mind! So put together and wear your best interpretation of divination. Prizes will be based on the following categories: Best Group (max 5 people), Most Creative, and the Best Representation of a divination method or item.
Advanced Classes and Lectures
Candlelight Labyrinth Walk
with Tracy Andryc
Walk the labyrinth in this After Dark workshop and experience the meditative magic of the labyrinth. Beautifully setup in the Federal room, candles and music bring the experience to life. You can walk the Labyrinth anytime during the time it is open. Allow yourself 10-20 minutes to do so.
Labyrinth walking is an ancient practice used by many different faiths for spiritual centering, contemplation, and prayer. Entering the serpentine path of a labyrinth, you walk slowly while quieting your mind and focusing on a spiritual question or prayer. Walking a labyrinth is a form of active meditation which is unique from meditation while standing still, sitting, or lying down. Active meditation provides many benefits, and labyrinth walking is a unique spiritual experience. Learn more about labyrinth walking meditation and its potential benefits.
Tracy Andryc has been sharing her love of the labyrinth since her first walk on its path in 1998. She sees the labyrinth as a universal tool that can be used in a magical/spiritual context, regardless of your religious path. Tracy received her training from The Labyrinth Guild of New England and the Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress, author and founder of Veriditas. She takes a holistic approach to her labyrinth work by incorporating other modalities such as Reiki, crystal grids/healing, breath work, sound and sacred dance. For over two decades, she has facilitated workshops and rituals on the labyrinth and other topics at venues along the east coast of the US.
Spiritual BDSM-Divining to Focus Your Play with Wrentek MacGowan
Can you even use spiritual and BDSM in the same sentence? It just seems wrong. Some have discovered the spirituality of BDSM in a scene that was meant to be strictly fun. Others have discovered BDSM through spirituality, i.e. ordeal path. Perhaps being scourged (aka flogged) as a part of an initiation. This workshop will focus on being intentional with your play and using divination to assist in creating focus and/or direction. Maybe you’re already familiar with these concepts. We are going to add depth to those experiences through the use of divination systems. If these concepts are new to you but you are intrigued, tantalized and possibly appalled, please join me for this workshop. All experience levels, lifestyles, gender expressions are welcome. You must be over 21 years of age. There will be no nudity or sexual type contact, however you must be willing to openly discuss sex and sexuality in conjunction with spirituality.
Wrentek is a lifelong explorer and practitioner of primal earth energies. He utilizes multiple earth – based traditions including Celtic, Norse, African, Mayan as examples in his training and healing sessions. Additionally, he uses somatic body work, elements of Tantra, breathwork and more to support seekers. He is Reiki Master Teacher in the traditions of Usui Tibetan, Karuna and Shambala. Wren has many years of Runic Study. He is a certified Global Fire Walk Instructor and facilitator. He is Pagan Priest having graduated seminary training with the Temple of Witchcraft. Wren uses all these energies and more in the facilitation of Ordeal path, Leather / BDSM, Sacred Sexuality Trainings, Sex Magic Workshops, Earth Energy Retreats, Runic Initiations, Vision Quests, Ritual and more. Wren creates an open & safe environment for clients and students regardless of sexual orientation, lifestyle, gender identity, or gender expression. Wren is available to speak or facilitate workshops on any of the above in a class or private environment setting.
It’s Not All About Death: Reading the Egyptian Amduat for the Living
With Sophia Kelly Shultz
One of the most significant of the so-called “Egyptian Underworld Books,” the Amduat, literally “What is in the Netherworld” chronicles the sun god Re’s perilous journey as he travels from dusk to dawn. But the scope of the Amduat stretches far beyond gods and the deceased; within the registers of often bizarre and confusing figures, we find a chronicle of transformation and rebirth that can be applied to both our conscious and subconscious minds, and thus to the ways in which we approach our experiences. Accompanying the sun god through the twelve hours of the night, we will explore some of these concepts and how they can help us move forward in our lives.
Born and raised in Pennsylvania, artist and author Sophia Kelly Shultz has led what can only be described as a colorful life. Educated in the hallowed halls of the University of Pennsylvania, she studied Egyptology with a particular focus on the language, and spent many happy hours in the storage areas seldom seen by outsiders. A lifetime later, her love affair with all things ancient Egyptian has not waned, and she loves opportunities to do research on different aspects of the discipline. Sophia has followed a non-traditional shamanic path which connects particularly with rocks and running water. Her practice also includes counseling others and teaching that “creativity” does not mean “creating things that other people will like.” Sophia lives in the hard coal region of Pennsylvania with her husband, a super-enthusiastic Springer Spaniel, and a very small, very bad cat.
The Interpretation of the Occult in Popular Media
with CoyoteSkyWoman
In the history of the small screen, shows featuring magical principles have always been very popular. With the advent of more recent programs such as Supernatural, The Magicians, Evil, and even Hazbin Hotel and, more importantly, its companion show, Helluva Boss, there has been a broader exploration of occult concepts. In a lot of these shows, the content is darker and not meant for younger audiences due to the adult themes they contain. What these do have, however, is a more (or less) accurate portrayal of magical beliefs from various occult traditions, including entities and symbology. This workshop will discuss how the inclusion of these enhance and enrich the worlds the creators have envisioned, as well as broadening the awareness of these ideas to a wider audience.
CoyoteSkyWoman has been a member of the local pagan community for over 30 years. A practicing shaman, her experience has included a diverse background, including Land work, energy rebalancing, cleansings, channeling, and spirit work. She is the author of three fantasy novels and spends her days tormenting students with the English language.