Learn Something New

No photo description available.Underworld Initiation of the Tarot
with Christopher Penczak

Occult tradition tells us that the secrets of magick and initiation are encoded in the images of the Tarot. Drawing on teachings from The History and Practice of Magic by Paul Christian and Tarot of the Bohemians by Papus, we will explore a tradition of magickal healing and empowerment rooted in the mythos of Egypt but applicable to anyone through the art of the Tarot. Experience a guided visionary journey on the initiatory path of evolution through twelve gates from the Major Arcana. Experience the portals of transformation in the underworld, their guardians and teachers, through the twelve “hours” of the night, starting with the Sphinx of the Wheel of the Fortune through death, rebirth, and empowerment in The World. 


The Four Sacred Quests of the Tarot
with Christopher Penczak

The wand, blade, cup and stone are the four classic hallows of the magician, used by Witches to evoke the four elements and work their Craft. Each the four elemental suits of Tarot embodies a magickal quest to find and embody a deep magickal virtue – Will, Truth, Compassion and Sovereignty. We recognize these quests hidden in the trials of life. Through ritual, we can invoke these four powers to better understand our magickal tools. Through empowered meditation, commune with spirit teachers to guide us on the quest. Experience a quest through meditative journey and learn to find the sacred hallows within.  


The Dark Mirror of Magick
with Christopher Penczak

Mirror magick has a long history and is used in the magick of protection, reflection, self-esteem, amplification and psychic ability. The dark mirror is a classic tool of occultism and Witchcraft, used for scrying into the astral for information on the past, present, and future, as well as a gateway to project magickal force and to travel spiritually. Learn instruction on making an effective dark mirror, from the simple to the more traditional, and empower it to reveal hidden things and open the way.  


Christopher Penczak is a modern Witch working in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and community he helped co-found. His practice focuses on the intersection of Love, Will, and Wisdom as an ethos for today’s Witch, and focuses upon relationships with the plant realm, the patterns of astrology, traditional occultism, and the use of trance in the Craft. He is the author of many books, including the award winning Temple of Witchcraft series, The Plant Spirit Familiar, and The Mighty Dead, as well as the co-owner of Copper Cauldron Publishing. The Temple of Witchcraft offers in-person and online mystery school and seminary training based upon his teachings. Christopher keeps an office in New Hampshire and sees clients in-person and online for readings, healing, and personal consultations, though he travels extensively teaching throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. His vision is of an evolving Witchcraft culture making magick accessible to all, yet preserving the heart of the mystery. For more information, visit www.christopherpenczak.com and www.templeofwitchcraft.org


Singing Oracle  
With Jenna Greene

Get spectacularly oracular through the power of your own voice! Your voice is a magical tool that can be used for divination. In this workshop you will learn:

Why your voice is powerful
How to tap into that power
How to bring more physical power into your singing
How to bring more energetic power into your singing
Techniques for opening to divine guidance through your voice


Jenna Greene is a holistic healer, Emmy-nominated musician, ritualist, and empowerment workshop facilitator. She weaves together her medical, holistic, and spiritual experience to empower her clients on all levels. Her offerings include: dark goddess healing rituals, musical guided meditations, shadow work support, self-care coaching, vocal release, customized songspells, song commissions, and serenades.

She is excited to be debuting her new workshop, Singing Oracle, at Magickal Marketplace & Psychic Faire.

Her website: www.greeneladymusic.com

No photo description available.

Whose Rock is it Anyway?
with ​​Sophia Kelly Shultz

Rocks and crystals are like prescription drugs: results may vary.  One person might find a stone relaxing, another, energizing, and to confuse matters, there are dozens if not hundreds of books and kits about the supposed uses for rocks and minerals for meditation, health, and other aspects of our lives.  These are neat, and often filled with very pretty pictures, but their interpretations of the minerals’ uses is often limiting. Investigate for yourself the benefits of opening your mind to new, personal interpretation to crystals, and build a kit for your personal use!


After Dark – It’s Not All About Death: Reading the Egyptian Amduat for the Living
with ​​Sophia Kelly Shultz

One of the most significant of the so-called “Egyptian Underworld Books,” the Amduat, literally “What is in the Netherworld” chronicles the sun god Re’s perilous journey as he travels from dusk to dawn.

But the scope of the Amduat stretches far beyond gods and the deceased; within  the registers of often bizarre and confusing figures, we find a chronicle of transformation and rebirth that can be applied to both our conscious and subconscious minds, and thus to the ways in which we approach our experiences.  Accompanying the sun god through the twelve hours of the night, we will explore some of these concepts and how they can help us move forward in our lives.


Born and raised in Pennsylvania, artist and author Sophia Kelly Shultz has led what can only be described as a colorful life. Educated in the hallowed halls of the University of Pennsylvania, she studied Egyptology with a particular focus on the language, and spent many happy hours in the storage areas seldom seen by outsiders. A lifetime later, her love affair with all things ancient Egyptian has not waned, and she loves opportunities to do research on different aspects of the discipline.  Sophia has followed a non-traditional shamanic path which connects particularly with rocks and running water. Her practice also includes counseling others and teaching that “creativity” does not mean “creating things that other people will like.”  Sophia lives in the hard coal region of Pennsylvania with her husband, a super-enthusiastic Springer Spaniel, and a very small, very bad cat.


Geomantic Divination 
With Kirk White

Geomancy was one of the seven “forbidden arts” by canon law in 1456, probably because it was so popular among all social classes. Resembling a mix of astrology and the I Ching, it is both simple and complex, easy to practice and yet multilayered. Don’t you want to learn one of the forbidden arts?


Sacred Masculine
with Kirk White

Is this even a thing? If so, what is it, how does it differ from our cultural stereotypes, and why or how would anyone ritually work with it in non-toxic ways? More of a moderated discussion than a lecture, join us and share your thoughts and experiences.


Kirk White, M.A., L.Ac., is a healer, teacher and author. He has been a practicing Witch and Magician since 1973, a psychotherapist for over 25 years, and a licensed East Asian medical practitioner since 1994. A past co-president of Covenant of the Goddess (North America’s oldest and largest association of Witches and Wiccans), and past director of the University of Vermont’s Parapsychology Program, he also founded Cherry Hill Seminary, a professional Pagan ministry program with faculty and students worldwide, and Standing Stone Academy, a Pagan healer training program. He is a licensed acupuncturist/ Chinese herbalist, registered psychotherapist, legal Pagan minister, Freemason, and adept in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. His skills and interests include traditional healing modalities, various magickal and spiritual traditions, and models of Pagan leadership and ministry. A contributor to “Exploring the Pagan Path: Wisdom from the Elders” (2005), he is also author of these books to date:

  • Adept Circle Magick: a Guide for the Advanced Wiccan Practitioner (Kensington Press 2006)
  • Advanced Circle Magick: Essential Spells and Rituals for Every Season (Kensington Press, 2008)
  • rEvolutions: The Elements of Mastery (Five Gates Publishing, 2010)
  • Operative Freemasonry: A Manual for Restoring Light and Vitality to the Fraternity (Five Gates Publishing, 2012)
  • Masterful Magick: A Guide for Advanced Wiccan Practice (Five Gates Publishing, 2016)
    For more bio info, go to www.revkirkwhite.com or Wikipedia at: www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk_White


Healing Our Relationship to Food with Basic Kitchen Witchcraft
with Dawn Hunt

Learn how to deeper connect with food, meal prep and the self care of Kitchen Witchery in this eye opening class about deeper connection to our everyday food habits. Learn how the foundations of Kitchen Witchcraft can impact your mental, physical and emotional health around food.


Exploring the Culinary Oracle
with Dawn Hunt

Learning how easily our practice and purpose is impacted with the meaning of food. A practical dive into the magic of incorporating Totem Food/Food Guides/and seasonal ingredients to make the most out of your meals, and Witchcraft Practices even on days you don’t think you are doing magick!


Dawn Aurora Hunt, owner and CEO of Cucina Aurora Kitchen Witchery, has been teaching and writing on the topics of Kitchen Witchery and Spiritual Nutrition since 2010, when she started her own company making gourmet foods with a dash of magic and a heaping helping of positive vibes as the main ingredients. With simple ingredients and the power of intention, Hunt teaches people how to cook simple meals in a mindful way to help achieve spiritual goals. Incorporating magic and energy work into food, she has grown her brand to reach people from all faiths and spiritual backgrounds. The author of Kitchen Witchcraft for Beginners, and A Kitchen Witch’s Guide to Love & Romance, Hunt speaks at events all along the East Coast, appears regularly on local TV, and teaches people that good, healthy, and even gluten-free food can be easy to make and wonderful to eat.


How to Choose the “Right” Reading for You
with Sha BlackburnImage may contain: Joy Gaffney, smiling, closeup

Here I will discuss the different forms of usual readings and what participants can expect from the tarot vs. Mediumship vs. Channeling, vs oracle, etc. Great for ppl who never know which type of reading they should get because there are too many choices.


Three Ways to Become a Diviner
with Sha Blackburn

In this workshop the participants would learn 3 basic forms of divination: basic dowsing, body testing, and the bag of three.


Internationally recognized Psychic, Holistic Healer, and Teacher Sha Blackburn, known as The LoonWitch, has been empowering individuals to transform their lives using magickal principles and her intuitive gifts since 1997. Since childhood Sha has been drawn to the mystery schools and walks that path today. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, QHHT Practitioner is certified in Shamanic Healing from the Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Learn more about Sha’s offerings and events at www.LoonWitch.com


Hoops of Life Divination
with Matooka Moonbear

Hoops of Life Divination is a Bone Reading System: Matooka MoonBear, creator of Hoops of Life Divination, will share her process of creating Hoops of Life that may inspire others to create their own divining system. Matooka will guide a meditation journey in detail on how to get started.


Messages from Animals
with Matooka Moonbear

Animals have been part of the spirituality of mankind since the beginning of time. Our ancient ancestors told stories about the mysteries of animals and their omens. In many cultures they have been sought out for power and guidance. Do you see the same animal over and over again? Are you seeking guidance for something in your life? Join Matooka MoonBear as we journey with animal allies to receive messages that may answer your questions.


Matooka MoonBear is an initiated High Priestess in Feminine Mysteries and Temple of Witchcraft traditions creating ritual, rites of passage & Shamanic initiation. She is the originator of Hoops of Life Divination, a system for guidance & healing. Matooka is an ordained minister with the Temple of Witchcraft and Lead Minister for Pisces. Her great work & passion lie in the healing of the feminine principle & relationship to the Crone, in the psyche of all humanity. Matooka practices her vocation as a Witch in the world offering workshops, ritual, healing sessions, and consultations HOLD readings.  matookamoonbear.com


Dream Reading for Kids & Families
with J. C. ArtemisiaImage may contain: Joy Gaffney, smiling, closeup

Learning to understand your dreams and their spiritual messages. A kid-friendly, beginner’s workshop on dreams, spiritual symbols, and the collective unconscious.


All-Ages Guided Divinaton Meditation
with J. C. Artemisia

This workshop will begin with a simple meditation practice overview, followed by a gentle, guided meditation and an exploration on beginner’s divination symbology. ​Discussions will be appropriate for an all-ages audience in language breakdown and consideration for practice ability.


As a Pagan children’s author, J. C. Artemisia has spent nearly a decade writing the spiritual books she wished for when she was growing up Pagan in the 90s. Her titles include diverse representation and themes such as sun and moon blessings, elemental alignments, empath connections, deities, nature, holidays, magickal practice, and even death. She believes children learn best when they feel a deeper connection to their books, which is why all her titles include blessings, activities, and/ or meditations in the back-matter pages.

J. C. has presented various Pagan readings, lectures, and rituals. She holds degrees in both writing and education and is a graduate communications instructor at Southern New Hampshire University. She has three young children who inspire her with adventures and creativity.


Ask An Intuitive – A Q&A Forum for How Intuition Works
With Diana Harris

Do all of us have guides/angels? Are they always around us? Can they help me? How can I communicate with them? How will I know that they are present? Do they intervene in our lives?

Join us and get these questions answered and more. Our guides and angels are dedicated to helping us to rise into greater awareness and in fulfilling our Soul’s purpose. Your spiritual team is waiting for you to invite them more fully into your life! This gathering is a platform for “remembering that we do not have to do it alone nor are we alone”. It offers the opportunity to reconnect to the wisdom and love that is available to all of us. The purpose of the event is twofold. First, to present everyone with safe and gentle ways to begin working with their guide team. Second, to help bridge the perceived space between us and Heaven, so that we may work with our team more consciously and live more joyfully. Diana will open the floor to questions that benefit the group. This event is highly interactive and is about sharing Love, Wisdom, and Grace. Participants will learn useful practices that will help them to cultivate healing partnerships with their spiritual team.


Animal Speake – An Introduction to Animal Totems and Guides
with Diana Harris

Join Diana Harris in this engaging and insightful exploration of animal totems. Come discover the teachings of the animal kingdom and learn how they relate to our personal/collective growth. We will the explore various animal realms, discuss totems, learn how nature and animals try to communicate with us, and even get to know some of our animal allies more intimately! They are never shy and are generous to those that desire a true connection. Animals represent the heartbeat of Mother Earth and the footsteps of humanity. Reinitiating our relationship with our animal totems and Nature provide us a window into our Soul’s potential. There are many wise and generous furry, winged, finned, scaled, or otherwise helpers that support our Journey. When we realize that teachings and assistance can come from other than human sources, we open to a world of infinite potential and rediscover our true natures. Join us to share in the wisdom of animal voices!


Diana Harris is a nationally known intuitive counselor, holistic healer, medium, and educator, with a dedicated practice spanning over 25 years. Widely recognized for the precision of her intuitive and mediumship services, as well as her engaging workshops, Diana has earned a reputation as a sought-after professional in her field.

What sets Diana apart is her unique blend of compassion and humor, which she skillfully integrates with her abilities. Through her work, she gently unravels the veil of fear and illusion, empowering her clients and students to embrace their highest potential. Her approach embodies the timeless wisdom captured in the phrase: “Know thyself, and thou shalt know the world.” Diana is also trained in trauma counseling, allowing her to provide holistic support where needed. She maintains a deep connection with Mother Earth and her Wisdom Keepers. Diana’s practice incorporates a wealth of knowledge, including archetypes, vibrational medicine, angels, and shamanism. These ancient teachings serve as a powerful methodology for self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth.

Diana’s impact extends beyond her private practice, as she has touched the hearts of thousands through her speaking engagements. Many affectionately refer to her as the “Happy Medium” because of the joy she brings to her work. Her insights and wisdom have been featured on various platforms, including WBZ, DiggRadio – Boston, Explore Your Spirit, and Hawaii’s Inspiration Radio. Diana’s writings are notable. Her work has been featured in Spirit of Change, Wake-Up World, Sedona Lights, OmPlace, and published in the book, “Love Like God” in 2011. With a growing roster of national and international clients, Diana is currently working on a solo book project. To learn more about Diana Harris and her transformative work, visit her website at Diana Harris.


Reiki and RunesImage may contain: 1 person, selfie
with Wrentek MacGowan

Reiki: Universal energy used for healing.

Runes1: Norse / Viking alphabet and communication tools.

Runes2: Norse / Viking alphabet and communication tools that represent the building blocks of the universe.

For a number of years, I have been exploring and utilizing the power of Reiki combined with the power of the Runes for a unique and powerful healing adjunct. We will explore ways to use these powerful tools together to create symbiotic healing for the body and soul. In this class we will be using the Elder Futhark, of course any Runic system can be applied in the same manner. Knowledge of Reiki, Runes and Chakras is helpful but not essential.


After Dark – Spiritual BDSM-Divining to Focus Your Play
with Wrentek MacGowan

Can you even use spiritual and BDSM in the same sentence? It just seems wrong. Some have discovered the spirituality of BDSM in a scene that was meant to be strictly fun. Others have discovered BDSM through spirituality, i.e. ordeal path. Perhaps being scourged (aka flogged) as a part of an initiation. This workshop will focus on being intentional with your play and using divination to assist in creating focus and/or direction. Maybe you’re already familiar with these concepts. We are going to add depth to those experiences through the use of divination systems. If these concepts are new to you but you are intrigued, tantalized and possibly appalled, please join me for this workshop. All experience levels, lifestyles, gender expressions are welcome. You must be over 21 years of age. There will be no nudity or sexual type contact, however you must be willing to openly discuss sex and sexuality in conjunction with spirituality.


Wrentek is a lifelong explorer and practitioner of primal earth energies. He utilizes multiple earth – based traditions including Celtic, Norse, African, Mayan as examples in his training and healing sessions. Additionally, he uses somatic body work, elements of Tantra, breathwork and more to support seekers. He is Reiki Master Teacher in the traditions of Usui Tibetan, Karuna and Shambala. Wren has many years of Runic Study. He is a certified Global Fire Walk Instructor and facilitator. He is Pagan Priest having graduated seminary training with the Temple of Witchcraft. Wren uses all these energies and more in the facilitation of Ordeal path, Leather / BDSM, Sacred Sexuality Trainings, Sex Magic Workshops, Earth Energy Retreats, Runic Initiations, Vision Quests, Ritual and more. Wren creates an open & safe environment for clients and students regardless of sexual orientation, lifestyle, gender identity, or gender expression. Wren is available to speak or facilitate workshops on any of the above in a class or private environment setting.


Creating Essential Oil Blends for Ritual – Make and Take
with Kate Holly-Clark

In this workshop Kate will instruct about mixing dedicated oils for rituals. This will include the energetic properties of each oil, what sort of carrier oil to use, and how to choose what works best for you. Kate will include information on safety when working with essential oils, not only for people, but for pets as well, saving some folks potential harm. Each person will go home with one or two rollerball bottles of oils usable for people or candle dressing.

There is a $15 charge for materials in this workshop, payable to Kate.


Since 1996 Kate has played with multiple media for jewelry, mostly concentrating on wire and beads–beads of glass, beads of stone, beads of mother of pearl, beads of funky vintage plastic and clay and wood. At the same time, she has been busy working in various media and crafts, with a Yankee emphasis on “practical”, which is how she got into soap. She has been vending at pagan events and Renaissance faires in the New England area for close to 20 years now–getting out and talking to her patrons is essential for her creative process.


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, eyeglasses and closeupAfter Dark – Candlelight Labyrinth Walk
with Tracy Andryc

Walk the labyrinth in this After Dark workshop and experience the meditative magic of the labyrinth.  Beautifully setup in the Movement studio with candles and music bring the experience to life.

Labyrinth walking is an ancient practice used by many different faiths for spiritual centering, contemplation, and prayer. Entering the serpentine path of a labyrinth, you walk slowly while quieting your mind and focusing on a spiritual question or prayer. Walking a labyrinth is a form of active meditation which is unique from meditation while standing still, sitting, or lying down. Active meditation provides many benefits, and labyrinth walking is a unique spiritual experience. Learn more about labyrinth walking meditation and its potential benefits.


Tracy Andryc has been sharing her love of the labyrinth since her first walk on its path in 1998. She sees the labyrinth as a universal tool that can be used in a magical/spiritual context, regardless of your religious path. Tracy received her training from The Labyrinth Guild of New England and the Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress, author and founder of Veriditas. She takes a holistic approach to her labyrinth work by incorporating other modalities such as Reiki, crystal grids/healing, breath work, sound and sacred dance. For over two decades, she has facilitated workshops and rituals on the labyrinth and other topics at venues along the east coast of the US.


with Dr. Adhi Two-Owls

Shamanism and Animism are two closely delayed spiritual practice systems of creating relationships with nature and the non-ordinary reality. In this offering Dr. Adhi will explain the difference between these two ideologies and also explore the ways they cross and enhance each in practice.

Adhi will guide participants in a meditation/journey, discuss the sacred tools that ate often participants of the practices and answer and questions about these traditions.


Shaman Healing Circle
with Dr. Adhi Two-Owls

We will make offerings, prayers to the earth, all its beings, sing to the spirits, journey, rattle and drum for all time and space. Bring a rattle and/or drum.


As an artist, educator, and healer, Dr. Adhi Two Owls integrates visual art with traditional craftsmanship and indigenous healing practices to foster wellness and deepen connections with the self and nature. In her practice, she also creates functional artworks such as leather goods, handmade books, and symbolic jewelry, designed to merge utility with spirituality, acting as talismans of protection, healing, and transformation. Dr. Adhi employs all her wisdom from 30 years of experience and training in the arts, shamanism, sound healing, traditional Indigenous healing, herbalism, meditation, and more.


Protection for Divination
Suzanne RouthierImage may contain: Tolan

While divination is a powerful tool in most practices, it can also open us to external energies that can potentially seek to cause harm. This workshop discusses ways to keep yourself open and protected before, during, and after divination.


Suzanne Routhier is a practitioner of Eclectic Witchcraft with a profound connection to the ancient wisdom and traditions of the earth-based spiritual path. With more than 25 years of experience in exploring the depths of Paganism and Witchcraft, she brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to the Pagan community.

Suzanne is from a very rural community in Vermont and enjoys the opportunity to participate in the Pagan community, facilitating workshops, rituals, and discussions on various aspects of Paganism. She is known for their inclusive and respectful approach, welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds and beliefs too.

Currently a Solitary practitioner, Suzanne continues to deepen her practice and share her insights with others, fostering a vibrant and supportive community rooted in the ancient wisdom of Paganism.


Death, Grief and Community Rituals
with Marcia Conlon

Community Grief Rituals give us a way of sitting and honoring our grief in a Safe and Sacred Container, sharing space with your community or (1 on 1) but everyone ends up having their own personal experience within that container. These are extremely helpful no matter what stage of the grief process you are on; being witnessed in your vulnerability as strength and not weakness and transforming our painful and grief soaked experiences into our personal power, action moving forward and hopefully a changed perspective.

I will never say you will be healed after attending one of these Community Grief Rituals but it’s my hope that you will gain new compassion for yourself, for others and have a different capacity to carry your grief in a lighter way.

I will navigate the group through the natural 5 Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit using rituals, movement and practical actions hoping to give way to healing and growth.


Marcia Conlon is a multifaceted and multidimensional healer and guide! She is a Spiritual Intuitive, Full Spectrum Birth Doula and Death Doula.

As a Spiritual Intuitive, she specializes in Intuitive Tarot and Oracle Card readings with the added support of healing crystals. She offers master level Reiki healings, crystals healings, spiritual and mindfulness life coaching, crystal singing bowl sound baths, as well as hosting sister singing circles, woman’s work, events and much more.

As a Birth Doula, she offers prenatal sessions, labor and delivery support and postpartum care. Supporting expecting parents emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually for your initiation into

As a Death Doula, she offers End of Life Support for the dying and their family, bereavement support, individual and community grief rituals, using different techniques like somatic movement, breathe work, sacred rituals, sound healing and different healing modalities.

She also currently training as a Shaman and registered Wedding
Officiant in the state of Massachusetts!


Numerology and How to Do Your Own Personal Numbers
With Bruce Hoskins

Numerology is the practice of divination through numbers. This interactive class will teach you how to perform your own personal numerology assessment. This will allow you to learn more about your outer and inner strengths and weaknesses, your compatibility with others, as well as any bad karma you may be carrying. Special number types will be explained as to how they pertain to you.

We’ll cover multiple techniques for converting the letters of your name into numbers; this will give you a more detailed personal assessment by showing how your individual assessment numbers change for different calculation techniques.


Introduction to Palmistry
with Bruce Hoskins

Palmistry (or palm reading) is the practice of interpreting a person’s character and predicting their future by examining the lines and other features of the hand. Palm reading is not limited to the palm as it includes aspects of both of your entire hands. In this interactive class, we’ll cover the four types of hands (and which one you are), the significance of the primary lines and minor lines on the hand, and the various geometrical shapes that the various lines can form on the hand. This class will also include discussions on the various mounts of the hand and their meanings.


Bruce Hoskins has been an intuitive psychic, numerologist, and clairvoyant for over 30 years. He specializes in cards (Tarot, Oracle, playing cards), Palmistry, Numerology, I-Ching, and Astrology. His direct connection with dragon wisdom and energy results in his ability to provide highly introspective readings to those in need of guidance or in search of answers. In addition to events as co-founder of Lord Fafnir & Spawn Psychic Readers, he is a featured reader in Salem, MA


Death, The Tower, The Devil Oh My!
with Willow Violette

Some people fear the Devil, the Death, or the Tower card when it turns up in a reading, however, it’s a time to pause and reflect. Let’s discuss the ways we can harvest the energy and embrace change to pivot to a better outcome.


Willow is a practicing Witch, certified medium and healer. She is currently studying to be Ordained at Church of Eternal Light and walks her path with the Dark Goddesses. This is geared towards anyone new to doing shadow work or working with dark deities. She teaches classes at her church and has taught at a local shop in Collinsville, CT.


The Astrology of Trauma and Transformation
With Patrick Flaherty

We’ll begin by looking at Saturn, Chiron, and the 3 outer planets – Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto – as significators of possible trauma in the birth chart. Then we’ll look at the flip side of these planetary archetypes and ask – what gifts are on the other side of healing our traumas? Finally, we’ll look at the upcoming powerful alignments of these planets in 2025-26, and how this will affect us individually, so bring your chart or your birth data for a live mini-reading.


Patrick Flaherty has explored many disciplines – Eastern religions, Western esoteric traditions, Non-Violent Communication, trauma work – that inform his unique approach to astrology. He is also a musician, and produces a podcast called Deep Astrology.


Divination for Clearing Creative Blocks
with Zabel

Divination is so much more than seeing what the future may hold. Divination is a tool for gaining clarity in many areas of our lives, to include our creative endeavors. In this workshop we will go over ways to use different divination practices to find inspiration and bust through creative blockages. Zabel will walk you through her process of building a spirituality aligned dance number and how her process can be used in other creative pursuits. Feel free to bring your own divination tools to play around with some of the methods discussed or workshop how to use them for your own specific creative activities.


Zabel, forever a student of dance, has dedicated her life to the pursuit of helping others thrive through the healing art of dance. She has traveled teaching and studying the art of belly dance and has developed a personal sacred practice through this medium. Zabel mentors dancers of all ages to help them discover their inner power, strength and calmness through dance, passing on this most precious gift. She has been a professional performer, touring artist and teacher since 2007. Zabel holds a BFA in Dance and Dance Education, has operated a dance studio, and she continues to teach in the NH, MA and ME seacoast areas.


Group Sound Alchemy Experience  
Char Willingham

Dive into an enchanting exploration of sound and vibration with Char Willingham and navigate through the mystical realms of sonic alchemy. This potent practice melds the profound wisdom of ancient traditions with the insights of contemporary science, allowing you to tap into the universal rhythms and unlock your true potential. Whether you seek relaxation, stress relief, or a deeper connection with your inner self, this event offers a unique space for expansiveness, spaciousness, and inward contemplation. Traverse the domains of sublime healing and bathe in the melodic orchestra of sacred instruments while experiencing the alchemical potency that harmonizes, uplifts, and revitalizes your whole being. Embark on this journey to set sail on your unparalleled sonic adventure.

Directly following this group experience, Char will be offering private 30 minute and 1-hour Sound Alchemy Sessions. Please view her listing on our Psychics page for more details on how to sign up.


Char Willingham Healing Arts Professional, Sound Alchemist and Practitioner Trainer, Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500, RPYT & YACEP), Meditation Guide, Drumming, Sacred Cacao & Women’s Empowerment Facilitator. She has nearly a decade of experience as a seasoned yoga & meditation teacher, facilitator, and a distinguished sound healing practitioner and trainer. Known for her serene sound baths, she has gently cradled thousands across New England, guiding them through the ethereal realms of auditory landscapes, enabling them to emerge with tranquil spirits and enlightened minds. Char’s alchemical sessions integrate a variety of sacred instruments, offering a unique acoustic experience. Her versatile style caters to intimate and large-scale events and individual therapy sessions, balancing ancient practices and modern insights. Char ensures that every session offers an immersive and transformative experience, leaving enduring echoes of tranquility and awareness in the hearts and minds of all those who immerse themselves in her healing sound and wellness experiences. Char Yoga Fitness & Intuitive Wellness | Sound Healing Shrewsbury Westborough Northborough Worcester MA


After Dark – The Interpretation of the Occult in Popular Media 
With CoyoteSkyWoman

In the history of the small screen, shows featuring magical principles have always been very popular. With the advent of more recent programs such as Supernatural, The Magicians, Evil, and even Hazbin Hotel and, more importantly, its companion show, Helluva Boss, there has been a broader exploration of occult concepts. In a lot of these shows, the content is darker and not meant for younger audiences due to the adult themes they contain. What these do have, however, is a more (or less) accurate portrayal of magical beliefs from various occult traditions, including entities and symbology. This workshop will discuss how the inclusion of these enhance and enrich the worlds the creators have envisioned, as well as broadening the awareness of these ideas to a wider audience.


CoyoteSkyWoman has been a member of the local pagan community for over 30 years. A practicing shaman, her experience has included a diverse background, including Land work, energy rebalancing, cleansings, channeling, and spirit work. She is the author of three fantasy novels and spends her days tormenting students with the English language.


Introduction to Bone Reading
with Valentine Stormcrow

Bone reading is an ancient form of divination that has been used by many cultures for thousands of years. This class will be covering the basics and uses of bone readings and how to apply it to your personal practice.

Valentine Stormcrow is the High Priest of the Serenity Circle and has been a magic practitioner for over 15 years. With a background in Northern Path paganism he has practiced the art of bone reading for 10 years. Come join us as Valentine walk us through how to use this ancient art.


Guided Meditation: Plant the Seeds of the Soul
With Irena Stormcrow

Guided meditations are a journey to the inner planes with the purpose of growth or getting the answers you have been seeking and some times both. Come join in a guided meditation lead by Irena Stormcrow where she will lead you on the journey of planting the seeds of the soul and bringing forth growth in the new year.

Irena is the High Priestess of Serenity Circle and has been a magical practitioner for over 20 years. With a background as a Green Witch and Northern Path Paganism, she has been leading group works like this for 8 years.


Main Ritual
With Irena and Valentine Stormcrow and the Serenity Circle Coven

Half way between Ostara and Beltane, the Earth awakens and Spring has begun. Come and celebrate Spring with Serenity Circle as they call upon the spirits to empower us for the year ahead as the wheel turns from dark to light. Bring new purchases from the market or your magical accouterments from home to be blessed/ re-blessed. Ritual will feature cleansing, wine and cakes, a guided meditation, and more.


Irena and Valentine Stormcrow lead Serenity Circle coven based in Marlborough, NH and have 28 combined years of active Pagan practice. Serenity Circle is a second generation eclectic coven that practices a blend of several European traditions. Valentine is a Norse godhi (priest) with a root in European shamanism who has been walking the Pagan path since the age of 13. Irena who grew up in a practicing Pagan household, is a Hekatean priestess and practitioner of both green and hearth witchcraft. She is an adept of the healing arts.


Panel Discussion: The Use of Divination Throughout the Ages
With Christopher Penczak, Sophia Kelly Shultz, Kirk White, Dr. Adhi Two-Owls, Diana Harris, and CoyoteSkyWoman (moderator)

We are proud to present a panel discussion moderated by our own CoyoteSkyWoman to explore divination and how it has changed through the centuries, from our Neolithic ancestors to modern times. CoyoteSkyWoman will lead some of our most prestigious guest presenters in an in-depth look at how the different forms of divination have developed over time, and our uses of it, and how much we may or may not rely on the observations it may reveal. Attendees will gain insight on the different types of divination, the strengths and weaknesses of each, and offer insight that may help to choose which form of divination to use. Come listen to the leading voices in our community as they discuss this fascinating topic. This is not an event to be missed!

Purchase Tickets Now!  Click Here!

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