Merchant Application

Thank you for your interest in vending at the Marketplace!
Please note: This is the Merchant application- Readers please apply here

THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED FOR 2025!  Please note the new information.

The Magickal Marketplace will be running from Friday, March 28, through SundayMarch 30, 2025.

In order to provide the best possible selection of vendors and services to our patrons, the MMPF is a juried event.  Our vendor spaces are filled to capacity every year, and we have always maintained a waiting list. Please fill out the vendor application below to be considered for the Marketplace.  The website and description you enter will be used for our website and event program.  We reserve the right to edit descriptions for length or content.  Please refer to our style guide for best practices.  The more accurate the information provided, the better equipped we will be to evaluate your application.

Applications for 2025 must be received by December 1, 2024.  We will announce our vendor selections a little later that month, at which point you will have two weeks to pay your vendor fee by check or PayPal, or your space will be given to the next applicant on the waiting list.  Between that and cancellations, we always end up pulling a few people from the wait list- So don’t give up hope if you don’t make the initial cut.

Vendors will need to bring their own tables, nothing larger than 8′.  A very limited number of tables can be rented for the event.  Electricity is not available in this venue, so you need to bring your own power sources.  If you wish to do readings as well as vending, you will need a 10×10 space in the vendor room.  If you wish to provide a service, such as massage or reiki, you will also need a 10×10 space, which is large enough for a massage chair, table, etc. If you like, we can handle your appointments for you the same as with readers.

Our vendor spaces for 2025 are priced as follows:

Both Days (8×6 non-wall):  $135, Saturday Only:  $100, Sunday Only:   $80

Both Days (8×6 wall):  $145, Saturday Only:  $105, Sunday Only:   $85

        Both Days (13×6 non-wall end cap):  $155, Saturday Only:  $115, Sunday Only:   $95

Both Days (10×10 wall):  $165, Saturday Only:  $125, Sunday Only:   $105

Please note that 10×10 spots, 13×6 end caps, and 8×6 wall spots are not guaranteed, as we only have a limited number of them.  If you are selected, and the spot of your choice is not available, you will be contacted about accepting a regular 8×6 non-wall spot.

Preference will be also given to vendors who can do all three days, and then to those who can do both Saturday and Sunday.  We may have a limited number of one day spaces available, but not guaranteed.

How to increase your chance of getting in:

  • We love having unique vendors!  Tell us what sets you apart.  This is ESPECIALLY important for jewelry vendors and crystal vendors, as so many apply.

  • We generally prefer handcrafters over buy/sell, but we like to have at least one vendor with “the usual” (read: AG) stuff anyway, and a well curated selection of books or crystals is always a hit.

  • Including a photo of your display will DEFINITELY help your application. Provide a website where we may see them or email them to Beth.

  • Be honest about what you have. We understand that you might sell a few tangential odds and ends, but if it takes up more than 20% of your space, it factors into our jury process. If your application says that you sell herbs, but half your table is jewelry or books, you will not be asked back. If you plan to split your space with another vendor, you must include the information for BOTH vendors on the application.

  • Submit your application on time. Or better yet, early:  We start taking applications almost a year in advance.

  • MLM and resellers like Avon, Scentsy, Herbalife, Pampered Chef etc., go straight to the bottom of the pile.  You’re welcome to apply, but your chances are not good. Sorry, but we already have to turn away far too many talented craftspeople just because of space.

We give preference to vendors who fit the overall theme of the event, ie: “Magickal”.  If you sell something completely unrelated, such as replacement windows (yes, this was a real application we received), we suggest becoming a sponsor instead.

Merchant Application
Know that we prefer those who can do all 3 days, and then those that can do at least Saturday and Sunday. On occasion we may have one day available, but we work hard to avoid that.
(will not be published)
(will not be published)
(will not be published)
Please provide a link to photos of your work- Your own site, Facebook, Flickr, whatever- as long as we can see pictures. While this is not mandatory, photos- especially of your booth/display- will increase your chance of being selected as a vendor. We choose a number of vendor photos to include on our website, but we cannot guarantee that yours will be featured in this way. This will also be used to link to you from our website.
There is no discount for additional spaces. Maximum 2.
Spot Preference
10x10 spaces, 13x6 end caps, and 8x6 wall spaces are limited, so if you are willing to settle for an 8'x6' spot, let us know.
100 words or less. This will be used for the website and the program. Please write in third person. Feel free to name specific products, but do not include complete lists of every style, option, etc. Your listing may be edited before inclusion in our website or program. Refer to our style guide at the link above. Remember, this description will help us during the jury process.
0 of 100 max words
Any particular requests, or info that may help us with our selection?
0 of 200 max words
Would you available to vend for our Friday VIP Event from 3-5pm?
This is to let us know if you would be available to be open, as a vendor, on Friday night, from 3-5pm. Setup on Friday will begin at 12:30pm.