Presenter and Performer Application

Every year, we bring some of the best performers and most engaging teachers to share their talents and knowledge with our patrons. We are looking for 2025 presenters right now.  If you’re interested in joining us, please fill out this form and Beth or Catherine will contact you.

Please note the descriptions on some of the text fields.  We’re looking for specific info on some things.

The Magickal Marketplace is a family-friendly event.  All daytime presentations must be “PG13” at least, although we may have more adult oriented presentations after hours.  We do feature a number of self-taught presenters, but please be honest about your experience.  Anyone found to have falsified or misrepresented their qualifications, degrees, lineage, etc. will be removed from the program and their vending space, if any, forfeited.

If there is a materials cost to your workshop for participants to take something home with them, please give us the most accurate number possible.

Presenter Application
This is how you will appear in our program- Your stage name, pen name, band name, etc.
Type of Presentation
Please select the box that best describes what you plan to do.
0 of 150 max words
Describe your presentation as you would like it to appear in our program (150 words or less, please).
0 of 150 max words
A short bio (150 words or less) of yourself or band as you would like it to appear on our website
Additional information that might help us decide to include you in our program- Who is this geared towards, where have you presented it before, is there anything else we might want to know?
What type of compensation (fees, program/web ad space, travel expenses, reader or vendor space, etc.) do you expect for your presentation?